PREPPY, an ideal line for a young, classic -but spirited- and elegant wardrobe, evolved towards a unisex approach.

The collection breathes versatility and accuracy with contemporary  and timeless creations  which can easily translate and adapt to a variety of brands aiming at various targets.

PREPPY embraces the evergreen  “college” look with vibrant colours.

PREPPY articles focus on the use of cost-effective materials yet meeting the high quality standards  of our company, fast and timely consignments, designs made to inspire our clients and to suggest new ways and possibilities to personalise their image and logos, to create PREPPY styled monograms…

Each collection card tells a story : the button is brought into a global wardrobe concept  featuring labels, zip pullers, closures, buckles and a whole variety of other articles –functional and/or decorative.

The aim is to enlarge and enhance the polyester range and to work the materials with the same attention to details and  refined finishes as we do for prized materials.

Shapes are essential and elegant, suitable for both classic garments and sportswear, yet retaining the stylish touch that sets  the GRITTI Group collections apart. Colour shades have been hushed to become softer and neutral – in a word: easier-  with a dash of  seasonal colour here and there.